Saturday, July 10, 2010


Luis Miramontes
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #2

I think that most of the class could relate with the story Only Daughter. Not because of the fact that she is an only daughter or because she is a girl, but because i believe that most of our family is like that. They want us to be successful, they want us to do better in life than them. Sometimes i feel that we can never impress them. they want so much from us. Sometimes i don't think they know whats best for us no more.

In the quote Sandra Cisneros "Why would anyone go to college and then choose to be poor? especially someone who had always been poor"(11) Parents want us to go to college and get an education but at the same time they want us to work. I'm not saying there is something wrong with working because there is not because a little money here and there don't harm anybody. but don't you sometimes feel like they just want us to work already just to help support the family.

when our parents think of college they don't think of a bachelor or masters degree or even higher they mostly think of an AA degree. Most Mexican parents just want us to go to school fast and start working fast. I'm not saying all Mexican families but most. and that quote really gets to me because they want us in college but at the same time they want us to do other things that could delay our future. i don't want to go to college and do the minimal i want to go and finish what i came there to do and if i can do even more for my future.

Post #1

Luis Miramontes
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #1

This story was a little weird to me because i really did not get what they were trying to explain.But at the end of the story i started to get the moral of the story. Just like Plato said "to them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images."(13)This reminded me of when our parents would judge other kids for the simple fact of how they looked. My parents would tell me not to hang around with those types of kids because they were "BAD KIDS"

When we got to high school we stopped listening to our parents like any teenager does. And little by little we started talking to the "BAD KIDS". Then we realized that they were not even bad they were just different. They were really not that bad and for people just to judge someone for what they see is not fair because what people may think someone can be far from the truth.